Sahlbergia 18 (2012) lyhennelmät

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Blera eoa (Stackelberg, 1928) – Siperiankantopuuhari Suomesta (Diptera, Syrphidae)

Kerppola, S. & Raekunnas, M. 2012: Blera eoa (Stackelberg, 1928) – Siperiankan­topuuhari Suomesta (Diptera, Syrphidae). – Sahlbergia 18(1): 2–5. Helsinki, Finland, ISSN 1237–3273.

Hoverfly species Blera eoa (Stackelberg, 1928) is reported as new to Finland on the basis of one male collected from an old willow trunk (Salix caprea) by netting in 2011. The tree was growing in a ditch on an abandoned meadow nearby a taiga forest close to the Russian border zone. The distribution of this eastern species is now from Sweden, Finland, European part of Russia and on through Siberia to the Kamchatka peninsula. An invasion of hoverfly species from Russia to Finland appears to continue, and some examples are given.

Lyckad övervintring av körsbärsfuks (Nymphalis polychloros (Linnaeus)) på Rosala, Skärgårdshavet, SV Finland (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae)

Biström, O. 2012: Lyckad övervintring av körsbärsfuks (Nymphalis polychloros (Lin­naeus)) på Rosala, Skärgårdshavet, SV Finland (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae). – Sahlbergia 18(1): 6–7. Helsinki, Finland, ISSN 1237–3273.

A record of a single specimen of Nymphalis polychloros (L.) is reported from Ab: Ros­ala, Dragsfjärd (Kimitoön)(664:24). The specimen was collected alive 31.3.2012 in an unheated room in connection with a in wintertime, cold kept sauna. This record proves that the species is capable to overwinter in southern Finland.

Mesopolobus incultus (Walker) ja Mesopolobus morys (Walker) todettu Suomesta (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Pteromalidae)

Vikberg, V. and Nieminen, M. 2011: Mesopolobus incultus (Walker) ja Mesopolobus morys (Walker) todettu Suomesta [Mesopolobus incultus (Walker) and Mesopolobus morys (Walker) found in Finland] (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Pteromalidae). – Sahlbergia 18(1): 8–13. ISSN 1237–3273.

Mesopolobus incultus (Walker) and M. morys (Walker) are reported from Finland for the first time. Mesopolobus incultus occurs as a frequent parasitoid of Mecinus pas­cuorum (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) in seeds of Plantago lanceolata in Åland where altogether 4596 specimens were reared in 2000, 2001 and 2009. One female was also reared from the same host and plant in 2011 in South Savo: Savitaipale. Some speci­mens of Mesopolobus morys have been swept in South Finland in Varsinais-Suomi: Salo and Turku, and South Häme: Janakkala.

Suomen rahtukuoriaiset (Coleoptera: Clambidae)

Martikainen, P. & Rutanen, I. 2012. Suomen rahtukuoriaiset (Coleoptera: Clambidae) [The family Clambidae in Finland (Coleoptera)]. – Sahlbergia 18(1):15–22. Helsinki, Finland, ISSN 1237–3273.

Tarkastimme suomalaisten kovakuoriaiskokoelmien ja tutkimusaineistojen rahtukuo­riaishavainnot, yhteensä 2603 yksilöä. Runsain laji oli Clambus punctulum (Beck, 1817) (948 yksilöä), seuraavina Clambus pubescens Redtenbacher, 1849 (722), Clam­bus armadillo (DeGeer, 1774) (207), Clambus lohsei Meybohm, 2004 (117), Clam­bus nigrellus Reitter, 1914 (69) ja Clambus gibbulus (LeConte, 1850) (27). Lisäksi löydettiin yksi Suomeen kulkeutunut Calyptomerus dubius (Marsham, 1802) -yksilö. Suomelle ja koko Pohjois-Euroopalle uusi laji C. lohsei on ollut aiemmin sekoitettuna lajeihin C. pubescens ja C. armadillo. C. lohsei lienee uusi tulokas alueellamme, sillä ensimmäinen löytö Suomesta on vasta vuodelta 1975. Nykyisin lohsei on metsien ylei­sin pitkäkarvainen Clambus-laji. Lajin C. punctulum yksilöiden joukosta löytyi puo­lestaan lukuisia C. gibbulus ja C. nigrellus -yksilöitä. C. gibbulus osoittautui metsäpa­loja suosivaksi lajiksi. Määritysepäselvyyksien vuoksi jouduimme hylkäämään suuren määrän pois heitettyihin yksilöihin perustuvia havaintotietoja. Karjalalle uusia lajeja olivat C. lohsei, C. nigrellus ja C. gibbulus.

We examined available material of Clambidae in Finnish collections and research da­tabases, 2603 individuals in total. The most abundant species was Clambus punctulum (Beck, 1817) (948 individuals), then Clambus pubescens Redtenbacher, 1849 (722), Clambus armadillo (DeGeer, 1774) (207), Clambus lohsei Meybohm, 2004 (117), Clambus nigrellus Reitter, 1914 (69) and Clambus gibbulus (LeConte, 1850) (27). In addition, one imported specimen of Calyptomerus dubius (Marsham, 1802) was found. Clambus lohsei is reported as new to Finland and Northern Europe. Previously it has been mixed with C. pubescens and C. armadillo. C. lohsei has apparently spread to Finland rather recently, as the first individual was collected in 1975. Currently C. lohsei is the most abundant Clambus-species with long pubescence in our forests. Se­veral individuals of C. gibbulus and C. nigrellus were detected among C. punctulum -specimens. Most of the Clambus gibbulus –individuals had been collected in burned forests, indicating that C. gibbulus is a fire-favoured species. C. lohsei, C. nigrellus and C. gibbulus are new to Russian Karelia.

On the identity of Pontania dolichura (Thomson, 1871) and Pontania femoralis (Cameron, 1876) (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae: Nematinae)

Vikberg, V. & Malinen, P. 2012: On the identity of Pontania dolichura (Thomson, 1871) and Pontania femoralis (Cameron, 1876) (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae: Ne­matinae). – Sahlbergia 18(1): 25–39. Helsinki, Finland, ISSN 1237–3273.

The lectotype of Pontania dolichura (Thomson, 1871) represents the species which induces galls on Salix lapponum L. Its new synonym is Pontania lapponicola Kopel­ke, 1994, syn. nov. A lectotype is designated for Pontania femoralis (Cameron, 1876); according to the original description the larval food plant of the species is Salix phylicifolia L. Pontania robbinsi Benson, 1935 is an objective synonym of it. New adult characters are presented to separate the two species from each other. Pontania nigricantis Kopelke, 1986, based on the galls on S. myrsinifolia Salisb., is added to the fauna of Finland.

Pontania dolichura -lajiryhmän sahapistiäiset aiheuttavat luonteenomaisia äkämiä pajujen lehtiin: makkaramaisia äkämiä on useimmiten kaksi vierekkäin keskisuonen molemmin puolin ja ne pullistuvat vain yläpinnan puolelle. Ryhmän eri lajit elävät eri pajulajeilla ja yleensä vain yhdellä tai joskus kahdella lähisukuisella lajilla. Laji­ryhmän nimikkolaji Pontania dolichura (Thomson) aiheuttaa äkämiä lapinpajulle (Salix lapponum) ja sitä tavataan Suomessa lähinnä Lapissa (eteläisin löytöpaikka on Salla). Sen uudeksi synonyymiksi tulee Pontania lapponicola Kopelke. Ainoa Etelä-Suomessa tavattava ryhmän laji aiheuttaa äkämiä kiiltopajulle (Salix phylicifolia) ja sen käypä nimi on Pontania femoralis (Cameron). Pontania robbinsi Benson on tämän objektiivinen synonyymi. Läheinen laji Pontania nigricantis Kopelke aikaansaa äkä­mät mustuvallepajulle (Salix myrsinifolia). Sen äkämiä löytyi nyt Kilpisjärven alueelta Suomelle uutena.

Uutta tietoa Suomen sulkukotiloista (Mollusca: Clausiliidae,): isosulkukotilo Macrogastra ventricosa (Draparnaud, 1801), soukkasulkukotilo Ruthenica filograna (Rossmässler, 1836) ja harmaasulkukotilo Bulgarica cana (Held, 1836)

Koivunen, A., Liukko, U-M. & Ormio, H. 2012: Uutta tietoa sulkukotiloista (Clausi­liidae, Mollusca): isosulkukotilo Macrogastra ventricosa (Draparnaud, 1801), soukka­sulkukotilo Ruthenica filograna (Rossmässler, 1836) ja harmaasulkukotilo Bulgarica cana (Held, 1836). – Sahlbergia 18(1): 40–52. Helsinki, Finland, ISSN 1237–3273.

[Macrogastra ventricosa (Draparnaud, 1801) and Ruthenica filograna (Rossmässler, 1836) (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Clausiliidae), two new land snails found in Finland].

The door snails Macrogastra ventricosa (Draparnaud, 1801) and Ruthenica filograna (Rossmässler, 1836), are reported for the first time from Finland. New records of a third door snail species Bulgarica cana (Held, 1836) are given. A population of M. ventricosa was detected in 2006 in Hollola, southern Finland (61°1´N, 25°31´E). 36 specimens were found in a herb-rich spruce forest area with mixture of aspen and other broad-leaved trees. The area is less than 10 hectares. R. filograna was found in 2007 from two forested herb-rich islands in the southwestern (Parainen, 60°18´, 21°28´E) and southern (Porvoo, 60°13´N, 25°58´E) coastal archipelago. The number of shells found was three in Parainen and 64 in Porvoo. B. cana has been known for more than 110 years in one small location in eastern Finland (Lieksa, 63°5´N, 29°48´E), far north of the general range of the species. In the years 2007–2010 two new locations were found in boreal forested hills, four and 11 km from the original location, respectively. A new location of B. cana was detected in 2011 in southern Finland (Sipoo, 60°21´N, 25°21´E), almost 400 km SW from the Lieksa locations. In the 2010 Red List of Fin­nish species M. ventricosa and R. filograna are classified as vulnerable (VU), and B. cana as endangered (EN). General features of the three snail species, their Finnish habitats and other snail species living in the same habitats are given.

Välkekauniaiset Pohjoismaissa (Coleoptera, Buprestidae: Lamprodila spp.)

Muona, J. 2012: Välkekauniaiset Pohjoismaissa (Coleoptera, Buprestidae: Lamprodila spp.) – Sahlbergia 18(2): 2–5. Helsinki, Finland, ISSN 1237–3273.

Lamprodila rutilans (F.), formerly reported from Finland and Norway in Fennoscandia, is deleted from the Finnish fauna. All three specimens known belong to Lamprodila decipiens (Gebler) (= dives Guillb.). The Norwegian records are correct, however. L. decipiens develops in Salix spp., not in Tilia spp. as L. rutilans does. Due to its rarity and saproxylic mode of life combined with a striking appearance, this species is considered endangered in Finland (class EN). Efforts to discover its actual breeding sites and possible measures to secure its future status have to be redirected in light of the corrected identification. With Dirrhagofarsus attenuatus (Mäkl.) and Hylochares cruentatus (Gyll.), L. decipiens belongs to a group of rare beetle species developing exclusively in willows. They highlight the importance of preserving willows as major contributors to biodiversity rather than cleaning them away as useless waste.

Vasenkierteisiä silokotiloita Cochlicopa lubrica (O.F. Müller, 1774) (Mollusca: Cochlicopidae) Tervolassa

Ormio, H. 2012: Vasenkierteisiä silokotiloita Cochlicopa lubrica (O.F.Müller, 1774) (Mollusca: Cochlicopidae) Tervolassa. [Sinistral population of Cochlicopa lubrica (O.F.Müller, 1774) (Mollusca: Cochlicopidae) in Finnish Lapland].– Sahlbergia 18(2): 6–8. Helsinki, Finland, ISSN 1237–3273.

Reverse-coiled specimens of Cochlicopa lubrica (O.F.Müller, 1774) were found from two boreal forest sites in the year 2008 in Tervola, northern Finland (Pukinselkä, 66°13.51′N 25°8.06′E and Raemäki, 66°10.41′N 25°9.61′E). The distance between the two sites is 5.8 km. A litter sample of 0.25 m² in Pukinselkä contained 10 sinistral and 11 dextral shells of C. lubrica (48% sinistral), and in Raemäki 21 sinistral and 64 dextral shells (25% sinistral), correspondingly. Two sinistral Cochlicopa populations have been reported earlier from Siberia.

Sinijalosoukko Suomessa – Agrilus delphinensis/pseudocyaneus? (Coleoptera: Buprestidae)

Muona, J. 2012: Sinijalosoukko Suomessa – Agrilus delphinensis/pseudocyaneus? (Coleoptera: Buprestidae). – Sahlbergia 18(2): 9–13. Helsinki, Finland, ISSN 1237–3273.

Finnish records of Agrilus delphinensis Abeille de Perrin were checked. All specimens belong to Agrilus pseudocyaneus Kiesenwetter. When revising the species-group, Jendek incorrectly reported A. delphinensis from Finland without seeing a specimen. A. pseudocyaneus is a critically endangered (CR) species in Finland. The larvae develop in aspen. Larvae of A. delphinensis develop in willows and the species is pronouncedly southern in its distribution in Europe. The confusion around these species lingers, although the taxonomy and biology have been clarified in the 1990s. The two widely used keys including all Fennoscandian Agrilus species confuse these two species and treat them as one, calling it A. pseudocyaneus. A. pseudocyaneus resembles A. pratensis, but can be easily identified by the wide and robust prosternal process, pure blue elytral colour and at most laterally golden or coppery, medially dark blue to black pronotum. On the average, A. pseudocyaneus is also wider and larger than A. pratensis. Attention is drawn to the fact that several confused cases have been detected from the supposedly well-known Finnish beetle fauna lately. Errors of this type can be avoided by scrutinizing all available information of the species tentatively classified as belonging to classes CR and EN. Proper scientific assessment of the situation requires in depth work and should never be based on recent national lists and handbook information only. International researcher networks and familiarity with the often obscure local scientific journals are essential tools in the process.

Tammikukkajäärän elintavoista Suomessa (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae: Strangalia attenuata L.)

Muona, J. 2012: Tammikukkajäärän elintavoista Suomessa (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae: Strangalia attenuata L.). – Sahlbergia 18(2): 14–16. Helsinki, Finland, ISSN 1237–3273.

The cerambycid beetle Strangalia attenuata is regarded as critically endangered in Finland. Only one extant population is known. The biology of the species in Finland has not been described and remains poorly known elsewhere. Field-work at the Finnish site revealed that the species developed mainly in stumps of medium-sized oaks. The wood was hard and grey on the outside, slightly rotten and quite dry deeper. The galleries were 4-5 mm wide, round in diameter. packed with fairly fine frass, round excrements and small wooden sticks. The pupal chambers were 15-19 mm long. The exit holes were 3 to 4 mm wide, round, located both on the cut surface and the barkless natural surface of the stumps.

Ahdekaunokin varsien hyönteisten kasvatus kevättalvella 2012 Janakkalassa

Vikberg, V. & Malinen, P. 2012: Ahdekaunokin varsien hyönteisten kasvatus kevättalvella 2012 Janakkalassa. [A rearing of insects from stems of Centaurea jacea in late winter 2012 in Janakkala, southern Finland] – Sahlbergia 18(2): 17–23. Helsinki, Finland, ISSN 1237–3273.

On 5 January, 2012 a sample of some 30 stems including withered leaves of Centaurea jacea was taken for rearing of insects in South Häme: Janakkala (EUREF grid 67532:83693). Three males and one female of Melanagromyza oligophaga Spencer, 1990 (Diptera: Agromyzidae) were reared for the first time in Finland and it is a species new for our fauna. Centaurea jacea is a new food plant for this oligophagous agromyzid fly. One male of Conioscinella gallarum (Duda) (Diptera: Chloropidae) emerged from stems; one male of the same species was reared from the flowerheads of the plant. Nine other reared species were parasitoid wasps representing five different families of Hymenoptera. As parasitoids of Melanagromyza oligophaga emerged 4 males and 3 females of Bracon sp. (Ichneumonoidea: Braconidae), 11 males and 6 females of Chlorocytus spicatus (Walker) (Chalcidoidea: Pteromalidae), and 5 males and 5 females of Diglyphosema conjungens Kieffer (Cynipoidea: Figitidae, Eucoilinae). 7 males and 10 females of Aprostocetus (Ootetrastichus) crino (Walker) (Eulophidae) emerged as probable parasitoids from eggs of plant hoppers or leaf hoppers, although no nymphs of them were observed. The host (an agromyzid?) for reared 5 males and 3 females of Diglyphus chabrias (Walker), and 2 males and 2 females of Diglyphus pusztensis Erdös (Chalcidoidea: Eulophidae) remained unclear. In addition one male of Eurytoma sp. (Chalcidoidea: Eurytomidae), one female of Mesopolobus sp. (Pteromalidae), and one female of Pnigalio agraules (Walker) (Eulophidae) emerged from stems.

Vainopistiäinen Macrocentrus bicolor Curtis kasvatettu maalle uutena ja huomioita joistakin suvun muista lajeista Suomessa (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Macrocentrinae)

Vikberg, V. 2012: Vainopistiäinen Macrocentrus bicolor Curtis kasvatettu maalle uutena ja huomioita joistakin suvun muista lajeista Suomessa [Braconid Macrocentrus bicolor Curtis and M. townesi van Achterberg & Haeselbarth new to Finland, with observations on other species] (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Macrocentrinae). – Sahlbergia 18(2): 24–28. Helsinki, Finland, ISSN 1237–3273.

Macrocentrus bicolor Curtis and M. townesi van Achterberg & Haeselbarth are added to the fauna of Finland. One male and four females of M. bicolor were reared from larvae of Depressaria chaerophylli Zeller (Lepidoptera: Elachistidae: Depressariinae) in Ruoholahti, Helsinki by K. Nupponen. Further records of Macrocentrus bicolor are reported from the southern coast of Finland in the provinces of Åland, Varsinais-Suomi, Uusimaa, and South Karelia. Confirmed findings of M. thoracicus, a species earlier confused with, or considered conspecific with M. bicolor, are from Åland, Uusimaa, South Häme and South Savo. Some females of Macrocentrus townesi have been captured from Åland, Uusimaa, South Karelia and Outer Ostrobothnia. Some new findings of M. gibber Eady & Clark, M. nidulator (Nees) and M. nitens (Nees) from Finland are presented. One small female of M. gibber has been reared in 1921 from cones of Picea abies in Helsinki by R. Forsius. The host and male of the species are unknown.

Bolopus furcatus (Fallén, 1826) (Diptera, Platypezidae) rediscovered in Finland

Ståhls, G., Rättel, E. & Muona, J. 2012: Bolopus furcatus (Fallén, 1826) (Diptera, Platypezidae) rediscovered in Finland. – Sahlbergia 18(2): 29–32. Helsinki, Finland, ISSN 1237–3273.

The flat-footed fly Bolopus furcatus (Fallén, 1826) (Diptera, Platypezidae) was rediscovered in Finland (Regio aboensis, Raseborg, Billnäs) in 2011, and a second finding was made in 2012 (Ab: Raseborg, Fiskars). The species is monophagous on the bracket fungus Polyporus squamosus. We provide digital images of ovipositing females in association with the host fungus and images of second stage larva.

Euryischia inopinata Masi löydetty Suomesta (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Aphelinidae: Eriaporinae)

Vikberg, V. 2012: Euryischia inopinata Masi löydetty Suomesta [Euryischia inopinata Masi found in Finland](Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Aphelinidae: Eriaporinae). – Sahlbergia 18(2): 34–35. Helsinki, Finland, ISSN 1237–3273.

One female of Euryischia inopinata Masi, 1907 was found on 25.6.1988 in East Finland, North Karelia: Liperi, Honkalampi (V. Vikberg leg.). This is the first record of the species in Finland. The nearest earlier find is from Skåne, S. Sweden.