Sahlbergia 28 (2022) lyhennelmät

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Vikberg, V. 2022: Idiotypa species of Finland and Sweden (Hymenoptera: Diapriidae). – Sahlbergia 28(1): 2–7. Helsinki, Finland, ISSN 2342-7582.

All available specimens of Idiotypa maritima Haliday, 1857 and I. mariae Gregor, 1939 from Finland and Sweden are studied and listed. Idiotypa maritima is also recorded from the Netherlands. The type species of Idiotypa Förster is shown to be Diapria maritima Haliday, 1857, not Psilus maritimus Haliday, 1833.

Raukko, P., Viitanen, E. & Metsälä, P. 2022. Vaaksiaisten Tipula pauli ja Tipula selene (Diptera: Tipulidae) kasvatuksia harakan ja sepelkyyhkyn pesistä. [Tipula pauli ja Tipula selene (Diptera: Tipulidae) reared from magpie (Pica pica) and common woodpigeon (Columba palumbus) nests] — Sahlbergia 28(1): 8–11. Helsinki, Finland, ISSN 2342-7582.

Harvinaisen vaaksiaisen Tipula (Pterelachisus) pauli Mannheims, 1964 toukkia löydettiin ja kasvatettiin sisään tuodusta harakanpesästä. Lajin toukasta ja sen elintavoista ei aiemmin ollut varmaa tietoa. Useista harakanpesistä ja yhdestä sepelkyyhkyn pesästä kuoriutui myös toista harvinaista vaaksiaislajia Tipula (Lunatipula) selene Meigen, 1830.

Several larvae of the rare tipulid Tipula (Pterelachisus) pauli Mannheims, 1964 were found and reared from magpie (Pica pica) nests in Finland. Previously, there was no definite information about the larva of T. pauli. Another uncommon tipulid, Tipula (Lunatipula) selene Meigen, 1830, was reared from several magpie (Pica pica) and common woodpigeon (Columba palumbus) nests.

Anttila-Huhtinen, M. & Könönen, K. 2022: Ensihavainnot uudesta vieraslajista, japaninkuuppaäyriäisestä Nippoleucon hinumensis (Gamô 1967) (Crustacea: Cumacea, Leuconidae) Suomen rannikolla. [First records of the new non-indigenous species Nippoleucon hinumensis (Gamô 1967) (Crustacea: Cumacea, Leuconidae) on the Finnish Baltic Sea coast]. — Sahlbergia 28(1): 12–15. Helsinki, Finland, ISSN 2342-7582.

First records of the new non-indigenous crustacean species Nippoleucon hinumensis (Gamô, 1967) have been made in Finland. Altogether 41 individuals, both females and males, were observed in June and September 2021 in monitoring of macrozoobenthos in Kotka and Porvoo, in the Gulf of Finland, Baltic Sea. Nippoleucon hinumensis is native to the northwest Pacific and a successful invader of the American west coast since the 1970s. The possible source of the Finnish introduction is German Baltic Sea coast since the only other reported observations from Baltic Sea are from there since 2019. The species is already abundant on the German coast. Nippoleucon hinumensis is a brackish water cumacean species inhabiting soft bottoms of estuaries and shallow bays.

Salokannel, J., Kakko, A., Viitanen, E., Nyström, H. & Salmela, J. 2022. Updates to the Trichoceridae fauna of Finland. — Sahlbergia 28(1): 16–19. Helsinki, Finland, ISSN 2342-7582.

Three species of Trichoceridae (Diptera) are reported as new to Finland: Trichocera (Metatrichocera) forcipula Nielsen, 1920, Trichocera (Saltrichocera) rufulenta Edwards, 1938, and Trichocera (Staryia) dufouri Krzemińska, 2020. Trichocera arctica Lundström, 1915 is removed from the list of Finnish species. After a decades-long period without Finnish observations, Trichocera (Trichocera) sibirica Edwards, 1920 and Trichocera (Saltrichocera) maculipennis Meigen, 1818 are again recorded from the country.

Clayhills, T. 2022. Notes on the genus Mannerheimia Mäklin, 1880 (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) in Finland [Huomioita lyhytsiipissuvusta Mannerheimia Mäklin, 1880 Suomessa]. — Sahlbergia 28(1): 20–22. Helsinki, Finland, ISSN 2342-7582.

Suomesta tunnetaan Mannerheimia-suvusta vain kaksi lajia. Molemmilla on hyvin pohjoispainotteiset levinneisyysalueet. Yleisempi laji M. arctica (Erichson, 1840) tunnetaan luonnontieteellisistä maakunnista Kn, Ks, KiL, SoL, EnL, InL. Yllättäen lajista on myös yksi havainto Uudenmaan maakunnasta. Selvästi harvinaisempi laji M. brevipennis (Motschuslky, 1860) tunnetaan vain maakunnista Ks ja InL. Mannerheimia arctica on Pohjoismaissa yleensä kytketty tunturikoivikko- ja pajukkovyöhykkeiden kenttäkerrokseen ja usein vesistöjen läheisyyteen. Lajin M. brevipennis elinympäristöstä löytyy vain vähän tietoja. Löytöpaikkoina mainitaan mäntyjen ja joskus kuusten tyvet, joissa laji talvehtii. Kesällä 1989 löysin useita yksilöitä elokuun alussa tunturikoivikkorinteistä ja yhden yksilön puron varresta Utsjoen Kevon alueelta. Laji näyttää siis elävän hyvin saman oloisissa ympäristöissä kuin yleisempi sukulaisensa. Kesällä 2021 Enontekiön Lapista, Toskalharjin alueelta löytyi lyhytsiipinen, lentokyvytön M. arctica-yksilö. Tällaisia ei aikaisemmin tunneta.

Two species of the genus Mannerheimia are known from Finland, both with a pronounced northern distribution. Mannerheimia arctica lives mostly in the subarctic birch forest and willow zones in the fell layer, often close to water bodies. Little is known about the habitat demands of M. brevipennis in our area, but it is known to hibernate in the basal bark layers of Scotts pines and occasionally on spruce. During the summer 1989 I found several specimens of M. brevipennis from Li: Utsjoki, Kevo area in the beginning of August from a birch forest on a small slope by sieving litter. One specimen was also found from the shore line of a small brook in a birch forest. I got the impression that it lives in similar habitats as M. arctica, but as far as I know, they do not occur together. During the summer of 2021 I managed to find one short-winged and flightless specimen of M. arctica from Le:Enontekiö, Kilpisjärvi, Bumbovarri fell. Such specimens have never been found before.

Zamani, A., Österman, E.M. & Koponen, S. 2022: The first record of Gibbaranea gibbosa (Walckenaer, 1802) (Araneae: Araneidae) in Finland. – Sahlbergia 28(1): 23–24. Helsinki, Finland, ISSN 2342-7582.

The araneid spider Gibbaranea gibbosa (Walckenaer, 1802) is reported from Finland for the first time, based on a single male specimen collected in Oriketo, Turku, June 2022. The new finding represents the northernmost record of the species in its whole known range.

Ristihämähäkkilaji Gibbaranea gibbosa (Walckenaer, 1802) ilmoitetaan uutena Suomen faunalle; yksittäinen koirasyksilö löydettiin Turun Orikedolta kesäkuussa 2022. Tämä on pohjoisin havainto lajin koko tunnetulta esiintymisalueelta