Sahlbergia 24 (2018) lyhennelmät

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Vasamies, H. 2018: Antipalus varipes (Meigen, 1820) ensi kerran Suomessa (Diptera: Asilidae). – Sahlbergia 24(1): 2–3. Helsinki, Finland, ISSN 2342-7582.

A female of the robberfly species Antipalus varipes (Diptera: Asilidae) was photographed in Taipalsaari, southeastern Finland, in 2017 by Heikki Vasamies and Esa Sojamo. This is the first record of the species from the country. Antipalus varipes is very rare in northern Europe and it is on the red list in Sweden and Denmark. The Finnish Deference Forces shooting ranges on the sandy soils of Taipalsaari are well known for their valuable insect fauna.

Karhilahti, A., Rinne, V. & Salmela, J. 2018: Luhtakaalikirsikkään (Tipula subcunctans Alexander, 1921) massaesiintymä Turun Ruissalon golfkentällä [Mass occurrence of a crane fly species Tipula subcuntans Alexander, 1921 in a golf course at Turku, Ruissalo] – Sahlbergia 24(1): 4–7. Helsinki, Finland, ISSN 2342-7582.

The crane flies of the subgenus Tipula (Tipula) (Diptera, Tipulidae) are notorious pests of cruciferous plants and cereals in Europe and North America. Two species of the subgenus are present in Finland, T. paludosa Meigen and T. subcuntans Alexander, of which the former occurs in fields and pastures, the latter is mostly confined to wetlands and is not considered as a pest species. Here we report for the first time a mass occurrence of T. subcunctans in a golf course in SW Finland, Turku. The importance of crane fly larvae as agricultural pests in Finland is shortly discussed and a key for the identification of the Finnish species of Tipula (T.) is provided.

Ormio, H. 2018: Heinolan Kettuvuori, hienouurresulkukotilon Clausilia dubia (Draparnaud, 1805) toinen esiintymä Suomessa (Mollusca: Clausiliidae). [The second remaining population of the land snail Clausilia dubia (Draparnaud, 1805) in Finland]. – Sahlbergia 24(1): 8–11. Helsinki, Finland, ISSN 2342-7582.

A new location of the land snail Clausilia dubia was found in the years 2016 and 2017 in Heinola, Southern Finland (WGS84: 61.222 °N, 26.172 °E). The habitat suitable to the snail is at present very small, probably less than one hectare. Two Finnish C. dubia populations were known earlier: the one in Jyväskylä still exists but the other one in Muurame has probably died out. The nearest well doing populations are living in the glint area of Northern Estonia, 200 km south of Heinola. In Finland C. dubia was classified as critically endangered (CR) in 2010.

Heinolan Konnivedellä sijaitsevan Isosaaren Kettuvuorelta tavattiin pienestä lehmuslehdosta kesinä 2016 ja 2017 äärimmäisen uhanalaisia (CR) hienouurresulkukotiloita Clausilia dubia. Yhteensä talletettiin 22 yksilöä, joista 7 aikuisia ja 15 poikasia. Esiintymä on Jyväskylän Ylistönmäen ohella Suomen ainoa.

Vikberg, V. 2018. Bracon (Sculptobracon) yakui Watanabe löytynyt Suomesta (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) [Bracon (Sculptobracon) yakui Watanabe found in Finland (Hymenoptera: Braconidae)]. – Sahlbergia 24(1): 12–13. Helsinki, Finland, ISSN 2342-7582.

One female of Bracon (Sculptobracon) yakui Watanabe, 1937 was found in Finland, South Häme: Janakkala, Hangastenmäki (ETRS-TM35FIN 6752:369) on 9 October 2011. The female was compared with two paratypes of Bracon burjaticus Tobias, 1961 (a younger synonym of Bracon yakui). This is the westernmost locality for this trans-Palaearctic species known earlier from Japan (Hokkaido) to Central European Russia. The species is new for Finland and North Europe.

Väänänen, S., Vepsäläinen, K. & Vepsäläinen, V. 2018: Technomyrmex vitiensis Mann, 1921 (Hymenoptera, Formicidae, Dolichoderinae), a new exotic tramp ant in Finland. – Sahlbergia 24(1): 14–19. Helsinki, Finland, ISSN 2342-7582.

Globalisation and urbanisation have steadily increased the occurrence and establishment of exotic ant species around the world. Even though native Finnish ants are well-studied, knowledge about introduced exotic ants living indoors in Finland is scanty. We report here a new exotic tramp ant, Technomyrmex vitiensis, found in 2016 the first time in Finland. The species lives in the two tropical houses of the Helsinki Zoo. The species is known to have, in addition to normal alate reproductives, wingless ergatoid queens and males. Ergatoid queens made around 15% of the individuals in the studied nests, but we were unable to find ergatoid males. Ergatoid queens were also found among foragers, outside nests; a behaviour that has not been recorded earlier in Technomyrmex species. Alate males were present only in nests sampled in late autumn. Nests that were sampled in early spring contained dealate queens, but queens were not found in the late autumn.

Globalisaatio ja kaupungistuminen ovat lisänneet vieraslajien, myös eksoottisten muurahaisten, leviämistä kautta maailman. Vaikka Suomen luonnossa elävät muurahaislajit tunnetaan suhteellisen hyvin, sisätiloissa tavattavista tulokasmuurahaisista ei tiedetä kovinkaan paljon. Kirjoituksessamme kerromme Suomesta ensi kerran vuonna 2016 löytyneestä uudesta eksoottisesta tulokasmuurahaisesta Technomyrmex vitiensis. Ehdotamme lajille suomenkielistä nimeä sorjateknomuurahainen. Se elää Helsingissä, Korkeasaaren eläintarhan trooppisissa taloissa. Lajilla on sekä normaaleja siivellisiä että ergatoidisia eli siivettömiä kuningattaria ja koiraita. Ergatoidisia kuningattaria oli 15 % tutkittujen pesien yksilöistä, mutta ergatoidisia koiraita emme löytäneet. Aikaisemmista tutkimuksista poiketen tapasimme ergatoidisia kuningattaria myös pesän ulkopuolella, työläisten parista. Siivellisiä koiraat löysimme vain loppuvuodesta otetuista pesänäytteissä. Siipensä pudottaneita kuningattaria oli vain alkuvuodesta otetuissa näytteissä.

Viitanen, E. 2018: Dicranomyia-suvun (Stephens, 1829) lajeilla esiintyy hypopygiumin rostrumin piikkien määrän ja koon vaihtelua (Diptera: Limoniidae). – Sahlbergia 24(2): 2–3. Helsinki, Finland, ISSN 2342-7582.

Dicranomyia-suvun lajeista on löytynyt yksilöitä, joilla on vaihtelua hypopygiumin rostrumin isojen piikkien määrässä ja muodossa.

Variation in the number and form of rostral spines on the hypopygium within species limits in the limonid genus Dicranomyia is discussed.

Kerppola, S. 2018: Helsingin Santahaminan kukkakärpäset (Diptera: Syrphidae) [Hoverflies of the Santahamina island, Helsinki, Finland (Diptera: Syrphidae)]. – Sahlbergia 24(2): 4–7. Helsinki, Finland, ISSN 2342-7582.

The local fauna of hoverflies (Diptera: Syrphidae) of Santahamina island in Helsinki,Finland, is presented. In total, 132 species have been recorded. This number represents 36 % of the 368 of hoverfly species currently known from Finland.

Koponen, M. & Väänänen, S. 2018: Psilochalcis subarmata (Förster, 1855) (Hymenoptera: Chalcididae), Suomelle uusi jalokiilupistiäislaji [Psilochalcis subarmata (Förster, 1855) (Hymenoptera: Chalcididae), a new chalcid species for Finland.] – Sahlbergia 24(2): 8–11. Helsinki, Finland, ISSN 2342-7582.

Two males of Psilochalcis subarmata (Förster, 1855) were collected from Hanko in 2017. This is the first record from Finland. We report the find and summarize the known biology of the species. We also provide a list of all known Finnish Chalcididae species.

Soon, V. & Tarlap, P. 2018. First records of the family Heloridae (Hymenoptera) from Estonia. – Sahlbergia 24(2): 12–13. Helsinki, Finland, ISSN 2342-7582.

The small genus Helorus (Hymenoptera: Heloridae) has never been investigated in Estonia. This study presents results of revising Estonian Heloridae fauna based on collection specimens. Altogether 16 Helorus specimens were investigated representing four different species, all of which are new for Estonian fauna.

Viron harsiaispistiäistiäistä (Hymenoptera: Heloridae) ei ole aikaisemmin julkaistu tietoja. Heimoon kuuluu vain yksi suku, Helorus. Kolmestatoista tunnetusta Helorus-lajista neljä esiintyy Euroopassa. Kaikki neljä eurooppalaista lajia ilmoitetaan tässä tutkimuksessa Viron faunalle uutena Tarton yliopiston luonnontieteellisen museon 16 yksilön aineiston perusteella.

Koponen, M., Triapitsyn, S. V. and Vikberg, V. 2018: Report on Ooctonus (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae) of Finland, with additional new records from some other European countries. – Sahlbergia 24(2): 14–24. Helsinki, Finland, ISSN 2342-7582.

2574 specimens of the fairyfly genus Ooctonus Haliday, 1833 (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Mymaridae) from Finland were examined and identified to species, an annotated list of which is given. These were mainly collected by M. Koponen and V. Vikberg while some earlier ones by W. Hellén; the bulk of them are deposited in Zoological Museum, Finnish Museum of Natural History, University of Helsinki, Finland, and a few are in V. Vikberg’s private collection. Most specimens were determined by M. Koponen and V. Vikberg while some also by S. V. Triapitsyn in 2016 and 2017. Ooctonus novickyi Soyka, 1950 is newly recorded from Finland, and its previously unknown male is described and illustrated; an updated key to the males of the European species of Ooctonus is provided. Now all six known European species are found in Finland; we also include new distributional records of five of them from some other European countries.