Tämä on Luonnontieteellisen keskusmuseon Luomuksen tietopankki. Täällä jaamme tiedostoja, ohjeita ja muuta sisältöä.
- Luomuksen varsinaiset nettisivut löytyvät osoitteesta www.helsinki.fi/fi/luomus.
This is Knowledge Base of the Finnish Museum of Natural History Luomus. Here we share files, instructions and other content.
- You can find our main website from address www.helsinki.fi/en/luomus.
Sisältöluettelo | List of contents
- Etusivu | Frontpage
- 100 lajia -haaste
- Atlas Florae Europaeae (AFE) — Distribution of Vascular Plants in Europe
- Grids & mapping – Atlas Florae Europaeae
- List of families mapped in Atlas Florae Europaeae
- News from Atlas Florae Europaeae
- Publishing for Atlas Florae Europaeae
- Scope and procedure of mapping – Atlas Florae Europaeae
- The Committee for Mapping the Flora of Europe
- The database of Atlas Florae Europaeae
- Tools for AFE collaborators
- Lajiseurannat
- Lehdet ja kirjat
- Seurantauutiset
- Lutukka
- Norrlinia
- Helsingin yliopiston kasvitieteellisen puutarhan bibliografia vuoteen 1982
- Suomen käävät
- Lichens of Finland
- Proceedings of the VII meeting of the Committee for Mapping the Flora of Europe, August 23-24 1983, Helsinki
- Översikt av Taraxacum-arterna i Enare Lappmark. Del 1
- Kasvistomme muinaistulokkaat: tulkintaa ja perusteluja
- Wartime studies on the flora in the Porajärvi – Paatene area, Russian Karelia by the late Jorma Soveri
- Checklist of lichens and allied fungi of Finland
- Threatened plants and lichens on the northwest shore of Lake Lagoda, Republic of Karelia, Russia
- Polypores of Finland and adjacent Russia
- Bibliographic catalogue of Hieracium and Pilosella names published by Finnish authors
- J. Julinin, K. H. Eberhardtin ja H. S. Zidbäckin julkaisemattomia kasvitietoja 1800-luvulta etenkin Oulusta ja muualta Pohjois-Suomesta
- Checklist of vascular plants of Kyrgyzstan
- Käävät – puiden sienet
- The botanical journeys of A. K. Cajander and J. I. Lindroth to Karelia and Onega River in 1898 and 1899, with a list of their bryophyte and lichen collections
- Freshwater Red Algae (Rhodophyta). Identification guide to European taxa, particularly to those in Finland
- Lichens and allied fungi of the Eastern Leningrad Region
- Catalogue of lichens and allied fungi of Murmansk Region, Russia
- C. F. Stierwaldin ja C. Áemelaeuksen julkaisemattomia kasvitietoja 1700- ja 1800-luvuilta
- Aphyllophoroid fungi of Finland
- Aasian sydämessä – Retki Kirgisiaan kesällä 2009
- Limasienet
- Sahlbergia-lehti
- Sahlbergia – en tidskrift som fokuserar på ryggradslösa djur och riktar sig till amatörer och forskare
- Sahlbergia 30 (2024) lyhennelmät/abstracts
- Sahlbergia in english
- Sahlbergia-lehtien sisällysluettelot ja linkit artikkeleihin (vol. 1-30)
- Sahlbergia 1 (1994) lyhennelmät
- Sahlbergia 2 (1995) lyhennelmät
- Sahlbergia 3 (1996) lyhennelmät
- Sahlbergia 4 (1999) lyhennelmät
- Sahlbergia 5 (2000) lyhennelmät
- Sahlbergia 6 (2001) lyhennelmät
- Sahlbergia 7 (2002) lyhennelmät
- Sahlbergia 8 (2003) lyhennelmät
- Sahlbergia 9 (2004) lyhennelmät
- Sahlbergia 10 (2005) lyhennelmät
- Sahlbergia 13:2 (2007) lyhennelmät
- Sahlbergia 14 (2008) lyhennelmät
- Sahlbergia 15 (2009) lyhennelmät
- Sahlbergia 16 (2010) lyhennelmät
- Sahlbergia 17 (2011) lyhennelmät
- Sahlbergia 18 (2012) lyhennelmät
- Sahlbergia 19 (2013) lyhennelmät
- Sahlbergia 20 (2014) lyhennelmät
- Sahlbergia 21 (2015) lyhennelmät
- Sahlbergia 22 (2016) lyhennelmät
- Sahlbergia 23 (2017) lyhennelmät
- Sahlbergia 24 (2018) lyhennelmät
- Sahlbergia 25 (2019) lyhennelmät
- Sahlbergia 26 (2020) lyhennelmät
- Sahlbergia 27 (2021) lyhennelmät
- Sahlbergia 28 (2022) lyhennelmät
- Sahlbergia 29 (2023) lyhennelmät/abstracts
- Sahlbergia-lehti, ohjeet kirjoittajille
- Botanicum
- Oulun kasvit – Piimäperältä Pilpasuolle
- Pimpinella
- Ulmus
- Larger fungi in eastern tropical Africa. A field guide
- Härmät, noet, ruosteet
- Suomen putkilokasvien luettelo
- Erämaita, sieniä ja ihmisiä
- Etäsuojelijan opas
- Suomen rupijäkälät
- Zambian mushrooms and mycology
- Suomen rengastusatlas II
- Sienet ja metsien luontoarvot
- Suomen kotilot ja etanat
- Satakunnan kasvit
- Suomen rengastusatlas I
- Suomen limasienet
- Vihreä Afrikka
- Suomen jäkäläopas
- Suomen helttasienten ja tattien ekologia, levinneisyys ja uhanalaisuus
- Tanzanian mushrooms
- Lepakkorengastustentin ohjeet
- Linnustonseuranta
- Lutukka 1994-2000
- Lutukka 2001-2010
- Lutukka 2011-2019
- Merkittäviä kokoelmia ja lahjoittajia
- Näyttelyt | Exhibitions
- Species lists in Luomus
- List of herbarium names in different collections at the Botanical Museum H
- Species/Taxon lists of insects in the collections of MZH (Luomus)
- Archaeognatha from East Fennoscandia in the Finnish Museum of Natural History (MZH/FMNH/Luomus)
- Blattodea from East Fennoscandia in the Finnish Museum of Natural History (MZH/FMNH/Luomus)
- Coll. Richard Frey (MZH/FMNH/Luomus): taxon list part 1 – Xylophagidae to Dolichopodidae
- Coll. Richard Frey (MZH/FMNH/Luomus): taxon list part 2 – Lonchopteridae to Tephritidae + Hippoboscidae
- Coll. Richard Frey (MZH/FMNH/Luomus): taxon list part 3 – Helcomyzidae to Chloropidae
- Coll. Richard Frey (MZH/FMNH/Luomus): taxon list part 4 – Muscoidea and Oestroidea
- Collembola in the Finnish Museum of Natural History (MZH/FMNH/Luomus) (alcohol collection)
- Dermaptera from East Fennoscandia in the Finnish Museum of Natural History (MZH/FMNH/Luomus)
- Embioptera in the Finnish Museum of Natural History (MZH/FMNH/Luomus)
- Ephemeroptera from East Fennoscandia in the Finnish Museum of Natural History (MZH/FMNH/Luomus)
- List of Scarabaeoidea in Luomus Coleoptera Palearctica collection
- Mecoptera from East Fennoscandia in the Finnish Museum of Natural History (MZH/FMNH/Luomus)
- Megaloptera from East Fennoscandia in the Finnish Museum of Natural History (MZH/FMNH/Luomus)
- Neuroptera from East Fennoscandia in the Finnish Museum of Natural History (MZH/FMNH/Luomus)
- Orthoptera from East Fennoscandia in the Finnish Museum of Natural History (MZH/FMNH/Luomus)
- Palearctic aquatic Adephaga (excluding Finland) in the Finnish Museum of Natural History (MZH/FMNH/Luomus)
- Palearctic Buprestoidea, Elateroidea (p.p.) (excluding Finland) in the Finnish Museum of Natural History (MZH/FMNH/Luomus)
- Palearctic Byrrhoidea (excluding Finland) in the Finnish Museum of Natural History (MZH/FMNH/Luomus)
- Palearctic Byrrhoidea, Derodontoidea, Bostrichoidea (excluding Finland) in the Finnish Museum of Natural History (MZH/FMNH/Luomus)
- Palearctic Cantharidae, Lycidae & Lampyridae (excluding Finland) in the Finnish Museum of Natural History (MZH/FMNH/Luomus)
- Palearctic Carabidae + Trachypachidae (excluding Finland) in the Finnish Museum of Natural History (MZH/FMNH/Luomus)
- Palearctic Cerambycidae (excluding Finland) in the Finnish Museum of Natural History (MZH/FMNH/Luomus)
- Palearctic Chrysomelidae, Megalopodidae & Orsodacnidae (excluding Finland) in the Finnish Museum of Natural History (MZH/FMNH/Luomus)
- Palearctic Cucujoidea (excluding Finland) in the Finnish Museum of Natural History (MZH/FMNH/Luomus)
- Palearctic Cucujoidea (p.p.) (excluding Finland) in the Finnish Museum of Natural History (MZH/FMNH/Luomus)
- Palearctic Curculionoidea (excluding Finland) in the Finnish Museum of Natural History (MZH/FMNH/Luomus)
- Palearctic Histeridae and Sphaeritidae (excluding Finland) in the Finnish Museum of Natural History (MZH/FMNH/Luomus)
- Palearctic Lymexyloidea & Cleroidea (excluding Finland) in the Finnish Museum of Natural History (MZH/FMNH/Luomus)
- Palearctic Tenebrionoidea (excluding Finland) in the Finnish Museum of Natural History (MZH/FMNH/Luomus)
- Plecoptera from East Fennoscandia in the Finnish Museum of Natural History (MZH/FMNH/Luomus)
- Psocoptera from East Fennoscandia in the Finnish Museum of Natural History (MZH/FMNH/Luomus)
- Raphidioptera from East Fennoscandia in the Finnish Museum of Natural History (MZH/FMNH/Luomus)
- Strepsiptera from East Fennoscandia in the Finnish Museum of Natural History (MZH/FMNH/Luomus)
- Thysanoptera from East Fennoscandia in the Finnish Museum of Natural History (MZH/FMNH/Luomus)
- Trichoptera from East Fennoscandia in the Finnish Museum of Natural History (MZH/FMNH/Luomus)
- World Archaeognatha in the Finnish Museum of Natural History (MZH/FMNH/Luomus)
- World Blattodea in the Finnish Museum of Natural History (MZH/FMNH/Luomus)
- World Dermaptera in the Finnish Museum of Natural History (MZH/FMNH/Luomus)
- World Ephemeroptera in the Finnish Museum of Natural History (MZH/FMNH/Luomus)
- World Lucanidae in the Finnish Museum of Natural History (MZH/FMNH/Luomus)
- World Mecoptera in the Finnish Museum of Natural History (MZH/FMNH/Luomus)
- World Megaloptera in the Finnish Museum of Natural History (MZH/FMNH/Luomus)
- World Neuroptera in the Finnish Museum of Natural History (MZH/FMNH/Luomus)
- World Passalidae in the Finnish Museum of Natural History (MZH/FMNH/Luomus)
- World Plecoptera in the Finnish Museum of Natural History (MZH/FMNH/Luomus)
- World Psocoptera in the Finnish Museum of Natural History (MZH/FMNH/Luomus)
- World Raphidioptera in the Finnish Museum of Natural History (MZH/FMNH/Luomus)
- World Strepsiptera in the Finnish Museum of Natural History (MZH/FMNH/Luomus)
- World Thysanoptera in the Finnish Museum of Natural History (MZH/FMNH/Luomus)
- World Trichoptera Finnish Museum of Natural History (MZH/FMNH/Luomus)
- World Trogidae, Glaresidae, Ochodaeidae and Plecomidae in the Finnish Museum of Natural History (MZH/FMNH/Luomus)
- World Zygentoma in the Finnish Museum of Natural History (MZH/FMNH/Luomus)
- Zygentoma from East Fennoscandia in the Finnish Museum of Natural History (MZH/FMNH/Luomus)
- Tietosuojaseloste | Privacy Policy
- Virtuaalinen kasvihuoneopas
- Virtual glasshouse guide
- Virtuell växthusguide