Sahlbergia 30 (2024) lyhennelmät/abstracts

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Mutanen, M., Kiljunen, N., Prous, M., Paukkunen, J. & Pitkänen, K. 2024: Suomen sahapistiäisten suomenkielinen nimistö [Common names for Finnish sawflies]. — Sahlbergia 30(1): 2–24. Helsinki, Finland, ISSN 2342-7582.

Sahapistiäiset (Symphyta) sisältävät joukon alkeellisia, lähinnä elävien kasvien syöntiin erikoistuneita pistiäisheimoja, joiden sisältä kaikki muut pistiäiset (eli Apocrita) polveutuvat. Osana tulevaa kaksiosaista sahapistiäiskirjaa työryhmämme laati kansankieliset nimet kaikille Suomesta tavatuille sahapistiäislajeille lukuun ottamatta joitakin taksonomisesti epäselviä tapauksia. Aiemmin nimet oli laadittu vain pienelle osalle lajeja. Vanhastaan annettuja lajinimiä on pyritty säilyttämään, mutta nimistön yhtenäisyyden vuoksi joitakin jo käytössä olleita nimiä lehtipistiäisten heimosta Tenthredinidae päätettiin muokata. Nimistöstä pyrittiin luomaan sekä johdonmukainen että kielellisesti rikas. Vaikutteita on otettu erityisesti kansantarustosta ja pohjoisesta, saamelaistaustaisesta sanastosta. Lajinimien lisäksi olemme täydentäneet korkeampien taksonien nimistöä siten että nyt myös kaikille alaheimoille, heimoille ja yläheimoille on olemassa kansankieliset nimet.

Sawflies and wood wasps (Symphyta) comprise a group of primitive chiefly herbivorous hymenopteran insect families, within which all other groups of Hymenoptera (i.e. Apocrita) have evolved. As a part of the forthcoming two-part book of North European sawflies, our team designed common names for all sawfly species reported from Finland, except for a few taxonomically unclear cases. Earlier, only a minority of species were with common names available. Names that have been in use before were preserved to the extent it was possible, but particularly in the family Tenthredinidae several names were modified for consistency. Our purpose was that the new nomenclature would be both consistent and verbally rich, with influences taken from the folk mythology and the north, including terms originating from Sami languages. Additionally, Finnish names were designed for higher taxa of sawflies, including subfamilies, families and superfamilies.

Viitanen, E., Karjalainen, S., Rasimus, I. & Salokannel, J.: Kolme Suomelle uutta pikkuvaaksiaislajia (Diptera: Limoniidae) [Three limoniid craneflies new to Finland (Diptera: Limoniidae).— Sahlbergia 30(1): 25–27. Helsinki, Finland, ISSN 2342-7582.

Suomesta on löydetty kolme uutta pikkuvaaksiaslajia (Diptera: Limoniidae): Ormosia affinis (Lundbeck, 1898), Cheilotrichia affinis (Lackschewitz, 1927) ja Idiocera sziladyi (Lackschewitz, 1940).

Three new species of Limoniidae (Diptera) to the Finnish fauna are reported: Ormosia affinis (Lundbeck, 1898), Cheilotrichia affinis (Lackschewitz, 1927), and Idiocera sziladyi (Lackschewitz, 1940). In 2016 Ormosia affinis was found for the first time in the Western Palaearctic region in Norway. A year later, the species was also found in Sweden. In 2021, O. affinis was found in southwestern Finland and in the following two years it has spread further north to Tavastia australis. Cheilotrichia affinis has previously been observed near Finland in Russian Karelia. Until now, the northernmost European of the Idiocera sziladyi was from Lithuania.

Friman, M. 2024: Heteromeringia nigrimana Loew, 1864 (Diptera, Clusiidae) Suomessa [Heteromeringia nigrimana Loew, 1864 (Diptera, Clusiidae) in Finland]. — Sahlbergia 30(1): 28–33. Helsinki, Finland, ISSN 2342-7582.

Kesäkuussa 2021 Vihdistä löytyi kärpäslaji, joka edustaa Suomessa aiemmin tuntematonta sukua. Sittemmin laji on määritetty myös Jyväskylässä vuonna 2020 otetuista valokuvista, ja lisäksi kaksi yksilöä kerättiin Vantaalla vuonna 2022. Heteromeringia nigrimana Loew, 1864 (Diptera, Clusiidae) on eurooppalaisittainkin harvinaisena pidetty lahopuusta riippuvainen kaksisiipinen ja sukunsa lajeista ainoa Euroopasta tunnettu.

Heteromeringia nigrimana Loew, 1864 (Diptera, Clusiidae) is reported as a new addition to the Finnish Diptera list. One female was collected in the municipality of Vihti (Uusimaa region, Regio aboensis) in June 2021, at a sunlit riparian forest rich in flood-killed and damaged trees. Soon, it was realized that the species had already been photographed one year earlier in the city of Jyväskylä (Central Finland, Tavastia borealis). Additionally, two specimens were collected at one locality in the city of Vantaa (Uusimaa region, Regio Nylandia) during summer 2022. The specimens collected in 2022 were found on trunks of fallen aspen trees (Populus tremula) in a deciduous riparian forest, while the 2021 specimen was collected from a barkless spot on a dead, standing pine (Pinus sp.) snag. The number and spatial distribution of localities indicate that the species is reproducing in Finland. Video footage and photos of some of the flies were shot in a studio.

Vikberg, V. & Mutanen, M. 2024: Notes on the biology and description of the larva of Leucopelmonus nobilis (Saarinen), Perineura rubi (Panzer) and Tenthredo arctica (Thomson) (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae). — Sahlbergia 30(1): 34–41.Helsinki, Finland, ISSN 2342-7582.

In an ovipositing experiment, a female of Leucopelmonus nobilis (Saarinen, 1945) laid eggs on Epilobium adenocaulon, but the larvae fed only on leaves of Ribes nigrum L.

The previously unknown larva of L. nobilis is described, and the hab-itat preferences and phenology of the species are discussed. The previously unknown larva of P. rubi is described. In ovipositing experiments, females of Perineura rubi (Panzer, 1803) laid eggs in leaves of Galium boreale and Galium sp. Full-grown larvae were reared using Galium as the foodplant.

Observations on adults of Tenthredo arctica (Thomson, 1870) are given. In ovipositing experiments, T. arctica females laid eggs on Viola biflora, but the larvae fed on Polygonum sp., Bistorta vivipara, and Rumex sp. As with the previous species, the previously unknown larva of Tenthredo arctica is described.