Sahlbergia 14 (2008) lyhennelmät

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Harjujen paahdealueiden kaskas- ja ludelajisto Pohjois-Karjalassa [Auchenorrhyncha and Heteroptera species on sun-exposed patches of North Carelian eskers].

Komonen, A., Rinne, V., Söderman, G. & Rintala, T. 2008: Harjujen paahdealueiden kaskas- ja ludelajisto Pohjois-Karjalassa [Auchenorrhyncha and Heteroptera species on sun-exposed patches of North Carelian eskers]. — Sahlbergia 14: 1–12.

Harjumetsien etelärinteet ja niiden avoimet paahdelaikut ovat pienialaisia, mutta metsäluonnon monimuotoisuudelle tärkeitä elinympäristöjä. Harjujen paahdealueita kartoitettiin Pohjois-Karjalassa kesällä 2006. Edustavimmilta kohteilta (n = 14) kerättiin hyönteisnäytteitä ikkuna- ja kuoppapyydyksin. Kaskaita (Auchenorrhyncha) havaittiin yhteensä 36 lajia, joista Pohjois-Karjalan maakunnalle uusia lajeja oli seitsemän ja varsinaisia paahdealueiden lajeja yhdeksän. Luteita (Heteroptera) havaittiin 67 lajia, joista ajuruohoruskolude (Rhopalus distinctus) on luokiteltu silmälläpidettäväksi lajiksi. Varsinaisia paahdealueiden ludelajeja havaittiin neljä ja maakunnalle uusia lajeja kaksi. Lisäksi havaittiin yksi äärimmäisen uhanalaisen pikkusinisiiven (Cupido minimus) esiintymä ja kaksi vaarantuneen nunnakirjokoisan (Pyrausta cingulatus) esiintymää. Edustavien paahdealueiden vähäisyys ja pienialaisuus vaikeuttavat paahdelajien selviytymistä Pohjois-Karjalassa.

Open, sun-exposed patches on eskers are important habitats for many plant and invertebrate species. Eskers were surveyed in North Carelia, eastern Finland in summer 2006. Insect samples were collected from 14 representative sites using window and pitfall traps. Thirty-six species of Auchenorrhyncha were observed of which seven species are new to the province, and nine species are indicators of sun-exposed biotopes. Sixty-seven species of Heteroptera were observed, including Rhopalus distinctus (Signoret, 1859) (Rhopalidae), which is classified as Near-Threatened in Finland. Two species are new to the province and four species can be considered indicators of sun-exposed biotopes. In addition, we found one population of Critically Endangered blue butterfly Cupido minimus (Fuessly, 1775) (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) and two new populations of Vulnerable butterfly Pyrausta cingulatus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). The small area and fragmentation of the representive sun-exposed patches on esker forests in North Carelia are likely to threat the survival of species in the future.

Larval habitat preferences in Palaearctic Gnophomyia (Diptera, Limoniidae) with a key to adults.

Hancock, E. Geoffrey, 2008: Larval habitat preferences in Palaearctic Gnophomyia (Diptera, Limoniidae) with a key to adults. — Sahlbergia 14: 13–16.

New European data are presented that result from rearing Gnophomyia species (Diptera, Limoniidae). Alexander (1920) referred to rearing records of the genus from other zoogeographical regions and indicated that it is unusual for any genus of the Chioneinae, the Eriopterinae of Coe (1950), to be saproxylic. Larval records of Gnophomyia from the Nearctic are known under bark of mature deciduous trees and a New Zealand species whose larvae developed in decaying detritus at the base of an epiphyte (Alexander, 1920). This latter situation is similar to rot holes, a kind of bacteria-rich soup resulting from the decay of accumulated organic material often including some fermenting plant sap or resin. The neotropics contain the greatest number of Gnophomyia; in the most recent catalogue (Alexander & Alexander, 1970) 91 species are listed. However, there are no published rearing records from any part of that region, indicating the great potential of the tropics to reveal significant quantities of biological data.

Hylochares cruentatus (Gyllenhal) Suomessa – haapasepikästä halavasepikäksi (Col., Eucnemidae) [Hylochares cruentatus (Gyllenhal) develops in willows, not aspen in Finland].

Muona, J., Lassila, N. & Brüstle, L. 2008: Hylochares cruentatus (Gyllenhal) Suomessa – haapasepikästä halavasepikäksi (Col., Eucnemidae) [Hylochares cruentatus (Gyllenhal) develops in willows, not aspen in Finland]. — Sahlbergia 14: 17–21.

The biology and habitat requirements of the eucnemid Hylochares cruentatus (Gyllenhal) are described. It breeds in hard surface wood of broken trunks of Bay willow and Dark-leaved willow along regularly flooding small waters with untreated natural vegetation. Former records listing large aspen as the host tree refer to another, undescribed species not present in Finland. The biology is described in detail in the hope of obtaining further records of this rarity.

Idänkulkusirkka Locusta migratoria (L.) Suomessa. [Locusta migratoria (L.) in Finland]

Karjalainen, S. 2008: Idänkulkusirkka Locusta migratoria (L.) Suomessa. [Locusta migratoria (L.) in Finland]. — Sahlbergia 14: 22–28.

Locusta migratoria (Linnaeus, 1758) is a widely distributed grasshopper species, which migrates to Northern Europe in some years. This paper presents all known records of L. migratoria from Finland. The latest migrations reaching the southern coast of Finland took place in 2000, 2006 and 2007.

Fungus gnats (Diptera: Bolitophilidae, Diadocidiidae, Ditomyiidae, Keroplatidae & Mycetophilidae) from Tyresta National Park and Nature Reserve in Sweden.

Jakovlev, J., Kjærandsen, J. & Viklund, B. 2008: Fungus gnats (Diptera: Bolitophilidae, Diadocidiidae, Ditomyiidae, Keroplatidae & Mycetophilidae) from Tyresta National Park and Nature Reserve in Sweden. — Sahlbergia 14: 29–52.

Faunistic data on fungus gnats from the boreonemoral, old-growth, pine-dominated forests of Tyresta National Park and the surrounding Nature Reserve are presented. The material was collected with Malaise traps, window traps and coloured pan traps at 15 sites in the years 1997–2003. The Tyresta forest suffered from a 450 ha area wild-fire in 1999, and about half (55%) of the samples originates from newly, partly heavily burnt wild-fire sites. Altogether 248 species are recorded, including 22 species new to Sweden, viz. Symmerus nobilis Lackschewitz, 1937, Orfelia unicolor (Staeger, 1840), Phthinia winnertzi Mik, 1869, Sciophila krysheni Polevoi, 2001, Sciophila modesta Zaitzev, 1982, Sciophila persubtilis Polevoi, 2001, Sciophila setosa Garrett, 1925, Boletina edwardsi Chandler, 1992, Gnoriste harcyniae von Röder, 1887, Allodia (Allodia) anglofennica Edwards, 1921, Allodia (Brachycampta) foliifera (Strobl, 1910), Anatella ankeli Plassmann, 1977, Exechiopsis (Xenexechia) perspicua (Johannsen, 1912), Synplasta pseudingeniosa Zaitzev, 1993, Mycetophila dziedzickii Chandler, 1977, Mycetophila gentilicia Zaitzev, 1999, Mycetophila lubomirskii Dziedzicki, 1884, Phronia distincta Hackman, 1970, Sceptonia regni Chandler, 1991, Sceptonia thaya Sevcik, 2004, Trichonta clavigera Lundström, 1913, and Trichonta subterminalis Zaitzev & Menzel, 1996. Five species (1 Diadocidia, 1 Docosia, 2 Cordyla and 1 Dynatosoma) are regarded as new to science and will be described elsewhere. The species richness and composition fits well the general picture of increasing species diversity towards north when compared with other surveys in the Nordic region. The material shows no significant difference between fire-sites and intact forest with respect to number of specimens caught, but the species composition is quite different. As expected, the highest number of species (185) was found at the undisturbed sites, and 43 species are significantly found to be avoiding the fire sites. Still, attraction of many fungus gnats to wild-fire sites is strongly indicated by a high number of species (151) captured there, of which 37 species are significantly over-represented at such sites. For 201 species (81%) the known larval habitat is given, showing that fungus gnats from Tyresta are dependant upon a rich biota of both epigeal and wood-growing fungi, and on decaying wood, particularly of deciduous trees.

Aleochara haematoptera Kraatz, 1858 (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) found in Finland.

Clayhills, T. 2008. Aleochara haematoptera Kraatz, 1858 (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) found in Finland. – Sahlbergia 14(2): 53.

Aleochara haematoptera was found in Finland in 1997. The locality is an island in the eastern part of the Gulf of Finland, and the specimen had undoubtedly arrived by drift.

Cryptocephalus bameuli Duhaldeborde (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) i Finland.

Silfverberg, H. 2008. Cryptocephalus bameuli Duhaldeborde (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) i Finland. – Sahlbergia 14(2): 54.

Cryptocephalus flavipes F. has been reported from southwestern Finland. A study of specimens kept in the Finnish Museum of Natural History showed that they belong to the recently described C. bameuli.

Suomalaiset Helsingin yliopiston eläinmuseon kokoelmissa olevat Cryptocephalus flavipes F.- lajiksi määritetyt yksilöt (Eura, C.Sahlberg [1800-luku]; Lojo, Krogerus, 23.VI.1919) ovat osoittautuneet kuuluvaksi äskettäin kuvattuun lajiin C. bameuli Duhaldeborde (1999). C. flavipes-lajia ei siis liene tavattu Suomesta.

Lamprobyrrhulus nitidus (Coleoptera, Byrrhidae) inte känd från Finland. [Lamprobyrrhulus nitidus (Coleoptera, Byrrhidae) not known from Finland].

Silfverberg, H. 2008. Lamprobyrrhulus nitidus (Coleoptera, Byrrhidae) inte känd från Finland. [Lamprobyrrhulus nitidus (Coleoptera, Byrrhidae) not known from Finland]. – Sahlbergia 14(2): 55.

Lamprobyrrhulus nitidus (Schaller, 1783) has been listed from Finland. No corresponding specimens could be found, and the listing is apparently based on an error in an earlier catalogue.

Coccophagus (Polycoccophagus) insidiator Dalman, 1826 (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Aphelinidae), a Trans-Palaearctic aphelinid species developing in Eulecanium species (Homoptera, Coccidae).

Vikberg, V. & Koponen, M. 2008: Coccophagus (Polycoccophagus) insidiator Dalman, 1826 (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Aphelinidae), a Trans-Palaearctic aphelinid species developing in Eulecanium species (Homoptera, Coccidae). – Sahlbergia 14(2): 56-59.

Coccophagus insidiator (Dalman, 1826) (= C. aterrimus Vikberg, 1966, syn. nov.; = Coccophagus stepanovi Sugonjaev & Pilipyuk, 1972, syn. nov.) This aphelinid species has Trans-Palaearctic distribution and all confirmed hosts are species of Eulecanium (Homoptera, Coccidae). It is shown that many published records of Coccophagus insidiator are misidentifications.

Eupelmus (Episolindelia) fuscipennis Förster kasvatettu vuorilaulukaskaan Cicadetta montana (Scopoli) munastosta Etelä-Suomessa (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Eupelmidae) [Eupelmus (Episolindelia) fuscipennis Förster reared from egg batch of Cicadetta montana (Scopoli) in southern Finland (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Eupelmidae)]

Vikberg, V. 2008: Eupelmus (Episolindelia) fuscipennis Förster kasvatettu vuorilaulukaskaan Cicadetta montana (Scopoli) munastosta Etelä-Suomessa (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Eupelmidae) [Eupelmus (Episolindelia) fuscipennis Förster reared from egg batch of Cicadetta montana (Scopoli) in southern Finland (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea: Eupelmidae)] – Sahlbergia 14(2): 60-67.

Two males and three females of Eupelmus fuscipennis Förster, 1860 were reared from an egg batch of Cicadetta montana (Scopoli) (Homoptera, Cicadidae) in a plant stalk in V [= Varsinais-Suomi]: Pohja – Pojo [Uniform grid reference 27*E 6669:3309] in autumn 2006 by E. Vuorinen. The eupelmid species was earlier known in Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Russia (European part; Daghestan), Slovakia and Spain but this is the first rearing of the species from a cicadid host. The female and male are described based on reared Finnish specimens, the male of the species for the first time. Some figures of the female were drawn, and photos of both sexes are presented.

Suomen loispistiäisluettelo (Hymenoptera, Parasitica). Osa 6. heimo Ichneumonidae, alaheimot Phrudinae, Mesochorinae, Metopiinae, Acaenitinae, Oxytorinae, Collyriinae, Orthopelmatinae, Orthocentrinae s. lat. ja Diplazontinae. [A check list of Finnish Hymenoptera, Parasitica, part 6. family Ichneumonidae, subfamilies Phrudinae, Mesochorinae, Metopiinae, Acaenitinae, Oxytorinae, Collyriinae, Orthopelmatinae, Orthocentrinae and Diplazontinae.]

Koponen, Martti, Jussila, Reijo & Vikberg, Veli, 2008: Suomen loispistiäisluettelo (Hymenoptera, Parasitica). Osa 6. heimo Ichneumonidae, alaheimot Phrudinae, Mesochorinae, Metopiinae, Acaenitinae, Oxytorinae, Collyriinae, Orthopelmatinae, Orthocentrinae s. lat. ja Diplazontinae. [A check list of Finnish Hymenoptera, Parasitica, part 6. family Ichneumonidae, subfamilies Phrudinae, Mesochorinae, Metopiinae, Acaenitinae, Oxytorinae, Collyriinae, Orthopelmatinae, Orthocentrinae and Diplazontinae.] – Sahlbergia 14(2): 68-95.

This 6th part of our checklist contains subfamilies Phrudinae, Mesochorinae, Metopiinae, Acaenitinae, Oxytorinae, Collyriinae, Orthopelmatinae, Microleptinae, Orthocentrinae and Diplazontinae with 371 species from present-day Finland.

The species Cidaphus alarius (Gravenhorst, 1829) is deleted from Finnish fauna.

The following 22 speciesare reported as new to Finland: Astiphromma hamulum (Thomson, 1886), Astiphromma pictum (Brischke, 1880), Astiphromma striatum (Brischke, 1880), Mesochorus curvicauda Thomson, 1886, Mesochorus femoralis Brischke, 1880, Mesochorus fuscicornis Brischke, 1880, Mesochorus petiolaris Brischke, 1880, Mesochorus plumosus Dasch, 1971, Mesochorus zygaenae Schwenke, 1999, Trieces facialis (Thomson, 1887), Exochus fletcheri Bridgman, 1884, Exochus quadrimaculatus Schmiedeknecht, 1924, Exochus separandus Schmiedeknecht, 1924, Exochus thomsoni Schmiedeknecht, 1924, Mesoclistus rufipes (Gravenhorst, 1829), Collyria trichophthalma (Thomson, 1877), Eusterinx jugorum (Strobl, 1901), Orthocentrus longicornis Holmgren, 1858, Orthocentrus radialis Thomson, 1897, Orthocentrus strigatus Holmgren, 1858, Stenomacrus molestus (Holmgren, 1856), and Stenomacrus vafer (Holmgren, 1856).

Square brackets [ ] are used to denote species and references which were collected and reported only from areas which were ceded to the USSR after the war and are thus not part of the territory of present-day Finland. 3 species earlier reported only from the areas, are now part of Russia, are reported as new to the present-day Finland: Stenomacrus celer (Holmgren, 1856), Diplazon neoalpinusZwakhals, 1979 = Campocraspedon alpinus (Holmgren, 1858), and Promethes nigriventris (Thomson, 1890).

Tässä loispistiäisluettelomme kuudennessa osassa, joka on laadittu samaan tapaan kuin edelliset osat (Koponen ym. 1995, 2000a, 2000b, 2000c, 2003), on nyky-Suomen alueelta alaheimoista Phrudinae 8, Mesochorinae 63, Metopiinae 64, Acaenitinae 6, Oxytorinae 2, Collyriinae 2, Orthopelmatinae 2, Orthocentrinae s. lat. 168 ja Diplazontinae 56 eli yhteensä 371 lajia. 1 laji on poistettu Suomesta. 21 lajia on Suomelle ja 3 nyky-Suomelle uusia. Suomelle uudet lajit on merkitty tähdellä (*). Hakasulkeissa on lajit ja kirjallisuusviitteet, jotka koskevat Neuvostoliitolle luovutettuja alueita.

Kirjallisuuden lisäksi on käytetty hyväksi kokoelmia, kuten tämän luettelon aikaisemmissakin osissa. Helsingin yliopiston Soveltavan biologian laitoksen kokoelmat (DABH), joiden joukossa on V. J. Karvosen kokoelma (VJK), on siirretty Luonnontieteelliseen keskusmuseoon. Lajeja on tarkistettu myös Reijo Jussilan (RJ), Martti Koposen (MK) ja Veli Vikbergin (VV) kokoelmista.

Saksalainen Arnold Förster (1810-1884) julkaisi ikneumonidikirjoituksensa Foerster nimellä. Käytämme jatkossa auktorinimeä Förster kuten Dathe & al. 2001 ja Yu & al. 2005.