Tuomo Niemelä, Marja Härkönen & Graham Piearce 2021: Larger fungi in eastern tropical Africa. A field guide. Norrlinia 36: 1–336. ISBN 978-951-51-7641-7 (print).

In this field guide over 250 species of Basidiomycota are presented from Tanzania, Zambia and Mozambique, and to a lesser extent from neighbouring countries. The species are arranged according to the form-groups Gilled mushrooms, Boletes, Polypores, Other aphyllophoroid fungi, Jelly fungi, and Gastroid fungi. For instance, 18 Amanita species are included, as well as 15 Cantharellus spp., 19 Lactarius / Lactifluus spp., 25 Russula spp., 17 Termitomyces spp., 15 boletes, and 69 polypores. Each species is provided with photographs taken mostly in the field, a description, plus notes on edibility, pathology, distribution, look-alikes, traditional uses and other details of interest. Special emphasis is put on spore dimensions, showing typical (90 %) size ranges, extreme sizes measured, mean values, and length/width ratios. The book includes photographs of the type materials of 33 species. General sections of the book outline the study area, methods of research, African mushroom tradition, also including recipes for mushroom meals, an illustrated glossary, and species index.
- Sample pages from the book
- 336 pages, size 160 x 220 mm, softcover with flaps
- Price 30 € + mailing and handling). Inquire the mailing costs abroad at kasvimuseo(at)helsinki.fi
- Orders: kasvimuseo(at)helsinki.fi
- (The book is also for sale in the Kaisaniemi Botanical Garden shop, Helsinki)