Sample text and maps
(exemplified by the genus Neslia, AFE vol. 11, 1996)

Fig. 1: Distribution map of Neslia paniculata.
Myagrum paniculatum L.; Neslia apiculata C.A. Meyer [in Fischer, C.A. Meyer & AvéВLall.]; N. thracica Velen.; Vogelia apiculata (C.A. Meyer) Vierh.; V. paniculata (L.) Hornem.; V. thracica (Velen.) Hand.-Mazz.
Taxonomy and nomenclature. N. Busch in Fl. Cauc. Crit. 3(4): 394-397 (Jur’ev 1909); F. Vierhapper, Österr. Bot. Zeitschr. 70: 167-172 (1921); Hayek, Prodr. Fl. Penins. Balcan. 1: 484 (1925) (in two last as Vogelia apiculata and V. paniculata); Fed_enko 1931: 422 (as V. paniculata); P. Fourn., Quatre Fl. France, p. 415 (1946) (as V. paniculata, with “race V. apiculata” and “race V. eu-paniculata”); Grossh., Fl. Kavk. 4: 226 (1950) (as Neslia apiculata and N. paniculata); S_vul., Fl. Rep. Pop. Romîne 3: 386-387 (1955); P.W. Ball, Feddes Repert. 64 (Fl. Eur. Notulae Syst. 1): 11-13 (1961); Pavlov, Fl. Kazahstana 4: 337-338 (1961); Fl. Turkey 1965: 350 (in two last as N. apiculata and N. paniculata); I.C. Hedge, Notes Roy. Bot. Garden Edinburgh 26: 185 (1965); Fl. Bulg. 1970: 540-543; Fl. Schweiz 1977: 172-173 (as N. apiculata and N. paniculata); Fl. Eur. URSS 1979: 75; Fl. France 1982: 1294-1295; Pignatti Fl. 1982: 441 (as N. paniculata, with two subspecies); Anal. Fl. Jugosl. 1983: 357-359 (as N. apiculata and N. paniculata); Hegi 1986: 345-346 (as N. paniculata subsp. apiculata and subsp. paniculata); Med-Checklist 1986: 147.
Diploid chromosome number 2n=14 reported by R.L. Taylor & G.A. Mulligan, Fl. Queen Charlotte Isl. 2: 73 (Ottawa 1968), for material from British Columbia, Canada.
Notes. Native status doubtful in Be ([Be] in Fl. Eur., omitted in Fl. Eur. 1993). Only casual in Br and Ho ([Br, Ho] in Fl. Eur., omitted in Fl. Eur. 1993): Rich 1991: 68. Established occurrence in C. Europe and S. Scandinavia (?Da, Su) since medieval times ([Da, Su] in Fl. Eur., *Da, *Su in Fl. Eur. 1993): H. Küster, Tuexenia 5: 91-92(map) (1985). Est, Lat and Lit added (not given from Rs(B) in Fl. Eur., added in Fl. Eur. 1993): Latvijas PSR Fl. 1955: 331 (Riga 1955); Pobedimova 1956: 281; Lietuvos TSR Fl. 1961: 584; Eesti NSV Fl. 1973: 563; Fl. Eur. URSS 1979: 75; Fl. Baltic Countries 1993: 339. Not established in Fe ([Fe] in Fl. Eur., omitted in Fl. Eur 1993): Retkeilykasvio 1986: 159; possibly an archaeophytic weed in the extreme S.W. but extinct long ago. Native status doubtful in Lu (given as native in Fl. Eur. and Fl. Eur 1993). Considered an established immigrant in No (as given in Fl. Eur.; omitted in Fl. Eur. 1993). Not native in Rus(N) (given as native in Fl. Eur. and Fl. Eur. 1993): Fl. Bor.-Or. Eur. URSS 1976: 84-85, map 131.
Total range. N. Busch, Fl. Sibir. Orientis Extr. 3: 292 (Petrograd 1919); MJW 1965: map 182c (Neslia paniculata + N. apiculata); Hultén Alaska 1968: 519; Hultén CP 1971: map 263; Hultén & Fries 1986: map 970; Fl. Catal. 1990: 157 (part).
N. paniculata subsp. paniculata
Diploid with 2n=14(Sla, Su): Fl. Eur.; Májovský et al. 1976: 10.
Notes. Au, *Be, Bel, Bu, Cze, Da, Est, ?Ga, Ge, He, Hrv, Hu, It, Jug, ?Kry, Lat, Lit, [No], Po, Rm, Rus([N], C, E), Sla, Sle, Su, Ukr. “C. & E. Europe, extending southwards to S. France, N. Italy and Bulgaria; naturalized in the north” (Fl. Eur.), “Throughout the range of the species except parts of the Mediterranean region” (Fl. Eur. 1993). Not mapped separately.
Total range. MJW 1965: map 182c (as Neslia paniculata [s. str.]).

Fig. 2: N. paniculata subsp. thracica (Velen.) Bornm. – Map 2633.
Neslia apiculata C.A. Meyer [in Fischer, C.A. Meyer & AvéВLall.]; N. paniculata subsp. apiculata (C.A. Meyer) Maire & Weiller; N. thracica Velen.; Vogelia apiculata (C.A. Meyer) Vierh.; V. thracica (Velen.) Hand.-Mazz.
Taxonomy and nomenclature. J. Velenovský, Österr. Bot. Zeitschr. 41: 121-122 (1891), Fl. Bulg., p. 47 (1891) (in both as Neslia thracica); F. Vierhapper, Österr. Bot. Zeitschr. 70: 167-172 (1921); Hayek, Prodr. Fl. Penins. Balcan. 1: 484 (1925) (in both as Vogelia apiculata); Grossh., Fl. Kavk. 4: 226 (1950) (as Neslia apiculata); P.W. Ball, Feddes Repert. 64 (Fl. Eur. Notulae Syst. 1): 13 (1961); Pavlov, Fl. Kazahstana 4: 337-338 (1961); Fl. Turkey 1965: 350 (in two last as N. apiculata); R. Maire, Fl. Afr. Nord 13: 201 (Paris 1967) (as N. paniculata subsp. apiculata); Fl. Schweiz 1977: 172-173 (as N. apiculata); Pignatti Fl. 1982: 441; Anal. Fl. Jugosl. 1983: 357-359 (as N. apiculata); Hegi 1986: 345-346 (as N. paniculata subsp. apiculata); Fl. Andalucía Occ. 1987: 406; Fl. Iber. 1993: 238-240.
Hexaploid with 2n=42(Ga): R. Verlaque & D. Filosa, Fl. Mediterranea 2: 270 (1992) (as Neslia apiculata). The same hexaploid number 2n=42 reported e.g. by D. Podlech & O. Bader, Mitt. Bot. Staatssamml. München 11: 462-463 (1974), A. Aryavand, Taxon 26: 562 (1977), and E. Kliphuis & Y.I. Barkoudah, Acta Bot. Neerl. 26: 241, 247 (1977), for material from Afghanistan, Iran and Syria (all as N. apiculata).
Notes. Al, Bl, Bu, Co, Cr, Ga, Gr, ?Hrv, Hs, It, Jug, ?Kry, *Lu, ?Rm, Sa, Si, Tu. “S. Europe; a rare casual elsewhere” (Fl. Eur. and Fl. Eur. 1993). Country list chiefly according to P.W. Ball, Feddes Repert. 64 (Fl. Eur. Notulae Syst. 1): 13 (1961). Concerning Ga, see Kerguélen 1987: 26. Considered casual in Ge, see Oberdorfer 1983: 451 and Atlas BRD 1988: 60. Extinct, and never truly established, in He: E. Landolt et al., Ber. Geobot. Inst. Rübel (Zürich) 49: 200 (1982); E. Landolt, Gefährdung Farn- Blütenpfl. Schweiz, p. 96 (Bern 1991) (in both as Neslia apiculata). Also reported for Malta (Si) although not given by S.M. Haslam et al., A flora of the Maltese Islands (Malta 1977). Northern limit obscure.
Total range. MJW 1965: map 182c (as Neslia apiculata); Hultén CP 1971: map 263; Hultén & Fries 1986: map 970 (both: northern boundary, as N. paniculata subsp. apiculata).